Monday, May 9, 2011

Data-meltdown on PSN: The Hunt for the hackers: Sony toying with suspension of a reward

Sony is a reward for information leading to the arrest of the hacker who taps in the PSN million customer data? thinks the PS3 manufacturer about it. Fix is therefore still nothing, the current leaders weigh the pros and cons of the measure. Still, the lack of consent of the corporate headquarters in Tokyo.

If Sony suspends a reward, which should take place in cooperation with the FBI and similar legal authorities in other countries. Meanwhile, thinks she knows who, where Sony has to look: at Anonymous. The Internet edition of the Journal of Finance reported by long-established members of the Internet Alliance, have suggested that hackers are responsible from their own ranks for the data-case scenario.

Have been following a discussion of the security hole, which took place shortly before the burglary. Sony claims to have found on the servers after the attack, a text document named Anonymous. Content is the slogan of the movement. We are Legion "If someone says he would be anonymous and do something under the name Anonymous, it means that Anonymous has done it," said Hacker Kayla the thinking of the group told the Financial Times.

This is the same if it's not like the rest. Is there such a breeding ground for the reward? For example, an anonymous informant members that may have gone a step too far, and even wipe out a profit. Finally, we wanted no more harm to the customers regarding the Sony ...

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