Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The iPad 2 is cheaper in France

A few weeks ago, Apple had increased the price of its tablet taking account of the tax on private copying. With iPad 2, this tax is included in the price of the device and - good news - the price is lower than before. IPad 16 GB worth € 499 at launch, he went briefly to € 508.56 and iPad February 16 GB will be offered at a price of 489 €.

The 32GB version is increased from € 599 to € 610.96 and is now fixed at 591 €. For the 64 GB model, the three values are € 699 at launch, then € 713.35 € and 693 for version 2. 3G Handsets versions cons increase by a little: from 599 € and € 610.96 at launch, one passes to 609 € for the 16-GB 32 GB version goes for 711 € and the 64 GB to 813 €.

In fact, Apple absorbed the tax on private copying by adjusting the exchange rate, largely for the benefit of the firm. IPad is in fact two $ 499 before taxes in the United States, which gives about € 351, while Apple Ad to € 400.86 VAT in France in its documents, which means a comfortable margin on the back of Europeans.

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