Thursday, April 7, 2011

Android applications in C #

Novell has released Mono 1.0 for Android, which allows to use C # to develop code that is then translated and compiled to look like a native application. The Mono project is open source and this new version completes the offer of a publisher who had already released a similar tool for IOS (see ". Net to write an iPhone application").

These tools are designed to allow the use of. NET is a platform for execution of C #. The goal is to open the world of mobile applications to more developers. In the case of IOS, the applications meet the requirements of Apple and can be distributed on the App Store. Mono for Android makes it possible to easily port an application to the platform iOS Google as the developer uses.

NET behind the two projects. The version of Mono to Visual Studio to integrate Android declination MonoDevelop for Windows and Mac OS X SDK This version looks even more promising than MonoTouch which is limited by certain security measures put in place by Apple. In the case of the version for Android, Mono can take full advantage of the compilation (JIT) Just in Time for better applications and better optimized.

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