Friday, February 25, 2011

Connect with Cloud, Google takes on Office-quot; cloud-quot;

Google introduced a service based on cloud systems in the form of plug-in for Microsoft Office: This is Google's Cloud Connect for MS Office. All those who have a Google account can download the plugin, so you can sync all your documents so the programs of the package OfficeWord, Excel and PowerPoint and save them into the cloud storage offered by Google.

Once you do this, users worldwide can work in parallel on the documents. For example, you can change the contents of a Word document from Rome, while other people from New York will be able to change the formatting and make revisions of the same file. All this allows you to work more effective and productive, reducing distances.

Cloud Connect for MS Office is also equipped with features to keep the traceability of the history of revisions of the document and to allow offline editing, then allowing the next synchronization with the copy cloud. Big G announced that the release of Cloud Connect for MS Office will be offered an apprenticeship program, Google Appsperience, which will be available for 90 days and teach you how to access all Google services, including Cloud.

For companies with a workforce of between 50 and 500 the cost of the program will be 7 thousand dollars, while for firms with more than 500 employees the cost rises to 15 thousand dollars. Individuals who wish to use them, will subscribe to $ 50 which includes options for additional support for ease of use.

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